Terms and Conditions for Sponsors

1. The sponsor's trademarks, logos, trade names, and other intellectual property are and shall continue to be the sponsor's property. The organizer has no right to change the design, appearance or art presentation of sponsor's trademark, logo, or product name.
2. The sponsor agrees to authorize the organizer to use its name and logo in this Forum. In addition to the aforementioned, the organizer shall not use it for any other purpose without the written consent of the sponsor and shall not authorize others to use it.
3. If due to force majeure factors (such as government laws, natural disasters, land changes, plagues, wars, etc.) the performance of this sponsorship cannot be performed, the Forum will be postponed or cancelled at the organizer's discretion.
4. If the Forum cannot be postponed due to the aforementioned factors, the sponsor will not be required to pay the sponsorship fee. If the sponsorship has been paid, the organizer shall refund it in full.
5. If the Forum is cancelled or postponed due to the organizer's intention or negligence, the organizer shall coordinate with the sponsor and obtain a settlement based on good faith. The sponsor does not need to pay the sponsorship fee. If paid, the organizer shall refund it in full.


1. 贊助方之商標、標誌、商品名稱及其他智慧財產,均為且應持續為贊助方之財產。主辦單位無權變更贊助方之商標、標誌或商品名稱之設計、外觀或美術呈現。
2. 贊助方同意授權主辦單位使用其名稱及標章於本次論壇活動,除前述使用外,未經贊助方書面同意前,主辦單位不得為其他任何目的之使用,且不得再授權他人使用。
3. 若因發生不可抗力因素(例如:政府法令、天災、地變、瘟疫、戰爭 …等),致無法依本贊助事項履行時,則依主辦單位之決定處理將本活動延期或取消。
4. 如因前述因素導致論壇活動無法延後進行而被迫取消,則贊助方無需支付贊助金,若已支付則主辦單位應全數退還。
5. 若因主辦單位之故意或過失致本活動取消或延期,主辦單位應與贊助方進行協調並基於善意取得解決,贊助方無需支付贊助金,若已支付則主辦單位應全數退還。
2nd ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum with 35th TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting
+886 2 25289696 ext. 702│ia@twnic.tw